Successful Appeal – The Kings Head Inn, Withington

Kings Head drawings and plan

We’re pleased to report a successful appeal to secure planning permission for the change of use and extension of the Kings Head Inn. Situated in the village of Withington just outside of Cheltenham, this former pub has been closed since 2017.

Planning permission to extend the building and convert it to a dwelling was previously granted. Our client sought to make improvements to the approved scheme. In conjunction with SF Planning and Coombes Everitt Architects, our client submitted a scheme for contemporary extensions to this non-designated heritage asset. The scheme also proposed the removal of a disused skittle alley and erection of a new outbuilding.

Cotswold District Council disliked the proposed development, and amendments were made to the design to overcome their concerns. Despite these amendments, the application was refused by planning officers on design grounds, and the impact on the existing building and conservation area.

Instructed to appeal this decision, we put forward a comprehensive and robust case to the Planning Inspectorate. We illustrated how the proposed development was of a design and scale that respected the character of the existing building and the wider area.

Although the Inspector noted concerns over the proposed outbuilding, and the loss of the redundant skittle alley, they took the positive approach of issuing a split decision. The change of use and extensions elements of the proposed development were approved.

The Inspector noted how “the simplicity of form would better reveal the significance of the host building, removing unsympathetic extensions and replacing them with a more cohesive design” and agreed that the scheme was more favourable than the previous permission.

We are delighted with this successful appeal appeal and look forward to seeing the results of the development.

For more information, or for assistance on any planning project, large or small, please get in touch:


t: Cheltenham: 01242 231575 | Gloucester: 01452 527997 | London – 020 3763 8005

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