Self-build Planning Permission Success

Self-build Planning Permission Success

Self-build planning permission success in Tirley, Gloucestershire

It’s immensely satisfying to support our clients with self-build projects. This site in rural Gloucestershire is no exception.

The clients’ current home in Tirley, within Tewkesbury Borough, has seen increasing flood risk in recent years. As a result, they needed a solution that secured their long-term future, in the village that they had called home for many years (in fact, a lifetime for one of them). Another vital requirement was the ability to continue to care for an elderly relative in their own home.

We submitted an application on their behalf for a more sustainable, energy efficient self-built home. Importantly, the underutilised plot at the heart of the village is on much higher ground than their current property.

Despite being at the centre of the village, the rural location of the site presented some challenges, with the planning officers originally not supporting the proposals. The application was subsequently referred to Tewkesbury Borough Council’s planning committee.

SF Planning represented our client at committee, making a strong case for the scheme and demonstrating compliance with relevant planning policy. We were able to address officer concerns and members subsequently approved the application.

This is a fantastic result and will make a real difference to our clients’ lives by removing the stress and worry of their home flooding, and securing their home in the heart of their community.

For more information on this project please contact Paul Jenkins.

For advice and assistance on self-build planning permission success or for other planning projects, large or small, please contact us:


t: Cheltenham: 01242 231575 | Gloucester: 01452 527997 | London: 020 3763 8005

SF Planning – What we do

Related Projects: Tireley Self Build Dwelling Approved: Tirley Self Build Dwelling Approved – SF Planning

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