Residential Units in Central Cheltenham

Applications for the development of these residential units in central Cheltenham have been in progress since 2018.

The site is a former car rental business to the north of the Cheltenham town centre. It is located within the Principal Urban Area (PUA) of Cheltenham and within the Lower High Street character area of the central conservation area.

Initially, in 2018 an application for the site was recommended for approval by planning officers.

Officers found the principle of residential development acceptable and a welcome contribution to the lack of 5-year housing supply.

The officer’s report also found that the demolition of the existing buildings and the proposed replacement residential buildings to be an enhancement of the character and appearance of Cheltenham’s Central Conservation Area. In addition, officers noted that the propped development would unacceptably impact on highway safety, residential amenity, or archaeology.

Refusal at Planning Committee

However, at Cheltenham Borough Council’s Planning Committee, members disagreed with the Planning Officer and the application was refused. Members argued for various grounds for refusal. These Included loss of the existing building, negative impact on character and heritage, highway safety and impact on neighbouring amenities.

In 2019 a revised scheme was submitted for the construction of 13 apartment buildings at the site.  Subsequently, planning permission was granted for the development in 2020, with the Planning Officer noting:

“In summary, the loss of the existing buildings on site and erection of a replacement residential building is considered to be acceptable and will not harm the character of the conservation area. The local authority is unable at present to demonstrate a five year housing land supply and this proposal will make a positive contribution to this…Officers are satisfied that the impact on neighbouring residents and highway safety is acceptable and not at odds with adopted policies. The recommendation is therefore to permit this application subject to the conditions.”

Revised Scheme to Meet Market Requirements

Following the impact of Covid-19 and a change in market requirement, our client asked us to revisit the application. We engaged in pre-application discussions with the Local Planning Authority (LPA), seeking planning permission for a revised development scheme.  By engaging proactively with the LPA we were able to act on their initial feedback.  Various revisions were made (including the provision of a turning head for local residents) to the plans and a further submission was made.

Subsequently, we’re delighted that permission for four houses and three apartments was granted in February 2023. The new dwellings will be built in a style that complements the surrounding area and provides much needed homes for the people of Cheltenham.

This project demonstrates how a good planning consultant needs to be able to adapt, often multiple times, throughout the course of an application.  In this case, the needs of the client, market requirements, not to mention a global pandemic, all played a part.

For more information on our Residential Units in Central Cheltenham project please contact us.

For assistance on any planning project, large or small, please get in touch:


t: Cheltenham: 01242 231575 | Gloucester: 01452 527997 | London: 020 3763 8005

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