Cotswold District Council Housing Supply

Cotswold District Council Housing Supply

Cotswold District Council Housing Supply – An update.

A few months ago as a team we worked out that when Cotswold District Council’s local plan was five years old (early August 2023) and they hopped over to the Standard Method for their housing requirement, they would not be able to demonstrate a five year supply of housing based on the available supply.

Having released today a Housing Land Supply report however, it is evident CDC have done loads of work over the last year or so to try and clarify whether or not their housing need has changed significantly since the plan was adopted (August 2018).  The work done has led CDC to conclude that their local housing need has not changed ‘significantly’. Subsequently, they have made the decision that the adopted Local Plan housing requirement does not need updating.  This in turn means CDC say they can still demonstrate a five-year housing supply, with 6.9 years supply. As a result, they conclude that they do not need to move to the standard method for their housing requirement.

A refreshing approach to forward planning

There is much reading to do, along with some detailed workings, to ascertain if CDC’s position is robust and justifiable. However, the Forward Planning Manager and the Local Plan team at CDC must be congratulated on their pro-active approach: CDC have identified in advance that there would be an issue to address. They have then taken the time and trouble to carefully go through the process, seeking to robustly justify their positon.  This is proper ‘Forward Planning’.

Whether or not the position CDC have arrived at is defensible remains to be seen/tested.  Either way, it is exceedingly helpful to know the Council’s position. Particularly when it is clearly supported by the documented process it has gone through to get there.  I find this most refreshing.  If only all LPAs could adopt the same approach it would make much of our work a great deal easier!

For more information on this Cotswold District Council Housing supply update, please get in touch.

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