Cotswold District Council is currently seeking the submission of land through a ‘call-for-sites’ programme.
This ‘call for sites’ is part of a process being undertaken by the District Council to prepare for the replacement of its Local Plan. The new plan (which has a target date of 2015 for Adoption) will determine how and where the District’s future development needs will be met until the year 2031.
If existing / prospective clients have land which you would like us to put forward to the Council for further consideration then please let us know. The Council is looking for sites which have the potential to meet future housing, employment, retail or other commercial need.
The deadline for submissions is 30 May 2013 so if you would like us to act your behalf we would need to know about it as soon as possible.
Please get in contact with Mark or Simon for further details.
We will also be making contact with existing clients seperately where we already know about possible land for inclusion in the next week or so.