Consultation – South Worcestershire Development Plan

Image of South Worcestershire development plan

Worcester City, Malvern Hills District and Wychavon District Councils are consulting on the South Worcestershire Development Plan review. The plan addresses a local need for 26,360 new homes in the area and provides policies that will support:

  • Business growth
  • Rural communities
  • The fight against climate change

This is the final consultation on the plan review, prior to submission to the Secretary of State for Examination. Comments submitted to this consultation will be sent with the plan for the appointed planning inspector to consider.

The review seeks to deliver an additional 13,420 homes and 290 hectares of employment land to help meet the needs of the area up to 2041. This will be delivered across four strategic allocations as well as smaller sites within existing urban areas and larger villages.

The consultation period runs until 13 December 2022.

Further information is available here.

If you would like to submit a representation to the South Worcestershire development plan consultation, SF Planning can make a submission on your behalf. Please get in touch with Hannah Millman as soon as possible for a fee proposal or contact our offices:


t: Cheltenham: 01242 231575 | Gloucester: 01452 527997 | London: 020 3763 8005

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