Cheltenham Planning Permission Secured
SF Planning and their client were delighted to secure planning permission on appeal for a new build dwelling in Andoversford near Cheltenham (site shown in red on the plan). Being outside a settlement boundary (shown in blue) Cotswold District Council were adamant that permission should be refused because it would be contrary to their recently adopted (August 2018) Development Plan and because they could demonstrate a healthy supply of housing.
New dwelling designed by Nick Joyce Architects
The Inspector disagreed however, concluding that allowing the appeal would not undermine the Development Plan and the proposal complied with the overall locational strategy of the plan.
This appeal shows that whilst the Development Plan is quite rightly the starting point for deciding applications and appeals, it is not the end point. There will always be examples where a well-argued case can justify the grant of planning permission even where a very recently adopted Development Plan makes the starting point a ‘no’.
The client said “You did a fantastic job……I shall be singing you and your companies praises for ever more”
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