Planning permission granted for up to 92 homes
On 16th July 2019, after a long debate Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Planning Committee resolved to grant outline planning permission for up to 90 homes and a 66-bed care home on agricultural land to the south of the A46.
Although the site is currently included in the Ashchurch Masterplan as coming forward in Phase 3 (i.e. as part of the southern expansion and after the release of the MOD land), SF Planning successfully argued that this was impossible due to the presence of the floodplain associated with Tirle Brook on its southern boundary and the only possible way to access this site is via the existing Fitzhamon Park/A46 junction.
With the help of Vectos transport consultants, we overcame Highways England’s holding objection and successfully addressed numerous concerns from the Highways Authority, Gloucestershire County Council.
In assessing the scheme, Tewkesbury Planning Officers found that as the Council could not demonstrate a five year housing land supply and so the most relevant development plan policies (i.e. housing policies) are considered to be out-of-date. They advised Members that the site was “sustainably located in proximity to Tewkesbury Town, employment at Ashchurch and public transport routes” and they considered there were “other benefits for the proposal including economic benefits arising both during and post construction and the social benefits associated with the delivery of market and affordable housing and public open space”.
The new family homes will help to meet the local needs of the area with 40% – 36 units – being delivered as affordable homes. As well as providing a 66-bed care home, which will create up to 50 new jobs.
The scheme also includes on-site public open space as well as a parcel of land to enable the local community to construct an additional community building.
All matters except for access are reserved for future consideration but the approved illustrative masterplan will ensure the development will provide both pedestrian and cycle links to recent housing developments on either side.
For further details on this project please contact Becky Brown at our Cheltenham office on 01242 231575 or Becky Brown.